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中华眼科医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (05) : 301 -305. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2021.05.009


王静漪1, 接英2,()   
  1. 1. 100730 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院2021级硕士研究生
    2. 100730 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 北京同仁眼科中心 北京市眼科研究所 北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-17 出版日期:2021-10-28
  • 通信作者: 接英
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(81970764); 北京市自然科学基金项目(7182037)

Advances on the tear osmolarity of mechanism and clinical application in dry eye

Jingyi Wang1, Ying Jie2,()   

  1. 1. Master′s degree 2021, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China
    2. Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Key Laboratory, Beijing 100730, China
  • Received:2021-01-17 Published:2021-10-28
  • Corresponding author: Ying Jie

王静漪, 接英. 泪液渗透压在干眼发生机制和临床应用中的研究进展[J]. 中华眼科医学杂志(电子版), 2021, 11(05): 301-305.

Jingyi Wang, Ying Jie. Advances on the tear osmolarity of mechanism and clinical application in dry eye[J]. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2021, 11(05): 301-305.


The increase of tear osmolarity is the core mechanism in the development of dry eye. As an objectively measurable indicator for the diagnosis and monitoring of dry eye, tear osmolarity has been widely used in clinic. It has been demonstrated that the tear osmolarity linked with dry eye, and has been used widely in clinical diagnosis and other aspects for dry eye. The research progress of tear osmolarity of mechanism and clinical application in dry eye were reviewed in this article.

表1 泪液渗透压与不同类型干眼间联系的文献汇总
表2 泪液渗透压的测量方法
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