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中华眼科医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (03) : 173 -177. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2022.03.009


许馨月1, 陈涛1, 苏玉婷1, 张作明1,()   
  1. 1. 710032 西安,空军军医大学航空航天医学系航空航天临床医学中心
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-26 出版日期:2022-06-28
  • 通信作者: 张作明
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金青年项目(32100953); 空军医学重大专项飞行人员作战效能提升项目(2020ZTB01)

Explore new strategies for prevention and control of myopia from new discoveries in aerospace medicine

Xinyue Xu1, Tao Chen1, Yuting Su1, Zuoming Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Center of Clinical Aerospace Medicine, School of Aerospace Medicine, Air Force Medical University, Xi′an 710032, China
  • Received:2021-08-26 Published:2022-06-28
  • Corresponding author: Zuoming Zhang

许馨月, 陈涛, 苏玉婷, 张作明. 青少年近视眼预防与控制技术研究的新进展[J]. 中华眼科医学杂志(电子版), 2022, 12(03): 173-177.

Xinyue Xu, Tao Chen, Yuting Su, Zuoming Zhang. Explore new strategies for prevention and control of myopia from new discoveries in aerospace medicine[J]. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2022, 12(03): 173-177.


The traditional methods for the control of myopia development are optical correction, orthokeratology lens, defocus glasses and other methods, however, these approaches are poor. At present, it has been demonstrated that outdoor activities and the application of low concentration atropine had a positive effect on preventing the occurrence of myopia and controlling the growth of myopia diopter. The occurrence and development of axial myopia was related to scleral remodeling toward myopic direction, but the mechanism remains unclear. In addition, true myopia caused by the axial growth was irreversible. After long-term spaceflight, astronauts had posterior eyeball flattening, axial shortening, and hyperopic displacement of refractive state, indicating that stress environment could cause sclera remodeling. Therefore, the combination of appropriate exercise to promote the transfer of blood head and increase the hydrostatic pressure gradient of the head and eye tissue might affect the local scleral remodeling and shorten the axial direction of the eye, or delay the trend of axial growth, which could provide a new idea for the prevention and control of myopia.

图1 不同体位时眼球壁主要承受重力作用部位的示意图 图A~图D分别示坐位、倒立位、平卧位及倒俯卧位时眼球壁主要承受重力部位的示意图
表1 不同药物控制近视眼的文献汇总
第一作者 药物 实验对象 实验结果 实验结论
Zhu等[27] 1%阿托品 平均年龄9岁儿童 随访24个月、25~36个月及36~48个月,使用1%阿托品药物患者的平均近视眼进展分别为(-0.27±0.81)D/年、(-0.31±0.29)D/年及(-0.41±0.23)D/年,轴向长度平均增加分别为(0.11±0.13)mm/年、(0.14±0.09)mm/年及(0.19±0.13)mm/年 1%阿托品可有效地调节眼部肌肉痉挛,延缓近视眼发展
Dong等[32] 0.025~2.5 ng/μl多巴胺 3周龄豚鼠 结膜下注射多巴胺第11 d,豚鼠失焦眼和离焦眼的屈光度分别为-4.06 D和-3.64 D;且对剥夺型近视的抑制作用呈剂量依赖性 结膜下注射多巴胺可抑制形觉剥夺诱导性近视眼的形成
Seltner等[33] 血管活性肠肽 雏鸡 血管活性肠肽注射8 d,雏鸡屈光度为-6.00 D近视眼,与未注射药物组眼轴长度的平均差异为0.6 mm,且对控制近视眼的进展呈剂量依赖性减少 球内注射血管活性肠肽可以有效地减少形觉剥夺诱导性近视眼形成,但不能完全消除
尹靓瑶等[34] 褪黑素 1周龄豚鼠 腹腔注射外源性褪黑素10 mg/kg形觉剥夺近视眼的屈光度、眼轴长度、视网膜诱导性一氧化氮合酶及褪黑素受体表达分别为(-4.30±0.59)D、(8.044±0.24)mm、0.3733±0.0427及0.3743±0.0447 外源性褪黑素可抑制甚至逆转形觉剥夺豚鼠的屈光改变
Yu等[35] 视黄酸 2周龄豚鼠 短波光暴露的豚鼠近视眼屈光度为(2.06±1.69)D,外源性视黄酸补充白光后,短波光组屈光度可恢复至(2.06±1.69)D 近视眼的视黄酸含量升高,且外源性补充视黄酸后可促进轴性近视眼的发生
Singh等[36,37] 7-甲基黄嘌呤 Wistar大鼠和小鼠 7-甲基黄嘌呤对大鼠口服90 d和180 d,250 mg/kg、500mg/kg及1000 mg/kg的7-甲基黄嘌均无死亡率和毒性迹象,未观察到器官大小变化、囊肿形成、液体潴留及晶体形成的变化 7-甲基黄嘌呤皆有效地延缓近视眼发展,且安全性良好
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