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   28 December 2024, Volume 14 Issue 06 Previous Issue   
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Pay attention to the role of fundus multimodal imaging in teaching fundus disease
Xuehui Shi, Haiyan Wang, Wenbin Wei
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  321-326.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.001
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The subject of ocular fundus disease is one of the most important fields of ophthalmology,with a high degree of complexity and diversity.Fundus imaging is an essential tool to assist in the diagnosis of fundus disease,and also a necessary and reliable way in teaching fundus diseases.Different fundus imaging bases and the clinical significance reflected by their image features have their own emphasis and characteristics.Fundus multimodal imaging is a necessary and reasonable combination of multiple imaging examinations,which can integrate multiple imaging manifestations of histological morphology,structure and function.Fundus multimodal imaging comprehensively reveals the pathological characteristics of fundus diseases from different angles and at different levels,which provides more powerful support for the further research,clinical diagnosis and treatment,monitoring of therapeutic efficacy and prognosis of fundus diseases.Mastering the fundus multimodality imaging technology,and rationally selecting,analyzing and integrating the significance of different imaging manifestations are important tasks in fundus diseases teaching,and also bring problems and challenges.The problems existing in fundus imaging teaching,the different bases and characteristics of fundus imaging,the development of fundus multimodal imaging technology and its application in the teaching of fundus disease were comprehensively reviewed,in particularly the importance of the application and development of multimodal imaging in the teaching of ocular fundus diseases was emphasized.

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Corneal densitometry after femtosecond assisted laser in situ keratomileusis combined with accelerated collagen cross-linking
Yan Zheng, Changbin Zhai, Caiyun Fu, Li Zhang, Yue Wang, Yabin Hu, Jing Liu
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  327-334.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.002
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The aim of this study is to investigate the changes and influencing factors of corneal densitometry(CD)characteristics after femtosecond assisted laser in situ keratomileusis combined with accelerated collagen cross-linking(FS-LASIK Xtra)procedures.


From June 2020 to March 2021,a total of 56 patients(112 eyes)with thin cornea and myopic astigmatism were enrolled in the Refractive Surgery of Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University.There were 10 males(20 eyes)and 46 females(92 eyes)with the average age of 26.50(23.00,30.00)years(raging from 18 to 39 years).Patients were divided into FS-LASIK Xtra group and femtosecond assisted laser in situ keratomileusis(FS-LASIK)group according to the surgical method.The changes in visual acuity and CD at different positions between two groups before and after surgery at 1 month,3 months,6 months,and 12 months were compared.The spherical equivalent(SE)and CD conformed to the normal distribution,and were expressed as±s.Paired t-test was used for comparison at different time points before and after surgery,and independent sample t-test was used for comparison between groups.Age,visual acuity,corneal curvature,and corneal thickness did not follow a normal distribution according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,and were represented by median and interquartile range M(Q1,Q3).Rank test was used for inter group comparison.The comparison of CD at different time points was analyzed using a two factor repeated measurement analysis of variance,and the correlation between corneal position and CD was analyzed using Spearman's method.


There were included 56 patients(112 eyes),with 25 patients(50 eyes)in the FS-LASIK Xtra group and 31 patients(62 eyes)in the FS-LASIK group.The preoperative SE of FSLASIK Xtra group and FS-LASIK group were(-7.63±1.80)D and(-7.93±2.24)D,and which were(-0.17±0.66)D and(-0.02±0.52)D at 12 months postoperatively.There was no statistically significant difference between the groups(t=-1.31,P>0.05),while the difference within the group comparison were statistically significant(t=-27.64,-26.50;P<0.05).The logarithms of the minimum angle of resolution(logMAR)for two groups of preoperative uncorrected visual acuity(UDVA)were 1.30(1.30,1.52)logMAR and 1.30(1.30,1.40)logMAR,and which were were-0.08(-0.18,-0.08)logMAR and-0.08(-0.18,-0.08)logMAR at 12 months postoperatively.There was no statistically significant difference between the groups(Z=-0.20,P>0.05),while the difference within the group comparison were statistically significant(Z=-6.17,-6.88;P<0.05).The average preoperative corneal curvature of the two groups were 43.58(43.19,44.79)D and 43.52(43.10,44.30)D,and which were 37.30(35.68,38.67)D and 36.86(36.13,38.53)D at 12 months postoperatively.There was no statistically significant difference between the groups(Z=-0.47,P>0.05),while the difference within the group comparison were statistically significant(Z=-6.15,-6.85;P<0.05).The CD values of the the anterior 120μm and the central layer at 0 to2 mm and 2 to6 mm in the FS-LASIK Xtra group were 24.93±1.56,30.55±4.28,29.37±6.31,24.98±2.99,22.92±22.08,22.32±1.30,26.59±3.10,26.06±3.52,23.10±1.76,21.15±1.53 and 15.49±0.92,17.69±2.53,16.33±1.64,14.96±1.32,14.31±1.24,13.81±0.70,14.79±1.25,14.18±0.94,13.64±0.80,13.18±0.83 at preoperative and postoperative 1,3,6,and 12 months,respectively.The CD values of the FS-LASIK group were 24.86±1.62,25.41±1.69,24.32±1.40,23.12±1.30,22.08±1.19,22.30±1.44,22.72±1.53,22.31±1.29,21.76±1.20,21.15±1.53 and 15.15±0.94,15.46±0.96,14.86±0.91,14.26±0.98,13.59±0.76,13.57±0.81,13.72±0.76,13.60±0.69,13.48±0.69,12.90±0.54,respectively.There were a statistically significant difference in the changes of CD at different times within the groups(F=140.49,126.18,125.74,78.10;P<0.05)and between groups(F=40.86,43.39,31.86,13.66;P<0.05).At one month after surgery,the CD values of the anterior 120μm and central layer at 0-2mm and 2-6mm in the FS-LASIK Xtra group were significantly increased compared to preoperative values(t=10.56,10.90,6.63,5.67;P<0.05),with slight increases in the FS-LASIK group(t=4.34,3.12,3.40,2.22;P<0.05).The CD values of FSLASIK Xtra group were higher than that of the FS-LASIK group,and the difference were statistically significant(t=8.01,8.07,5.90,5.32;P<0.05).At 12 months after surgery,the CD values of FSLASIK Xtra group and FS-LASIK group were lower than those before surgery(t=-7.48,-6.64,-7.70,-5.98,-15.73,-11.73,-13.49,-7.92,respectively;P<0.05).The CD values of the FSLASIK Xtra group was still slightly higher than the FS-LASIK group,and the difference was statistically significant(t=2.35,2.00,3.60,2.09;P<0.05).


The transparency of FS-LASIK Xtra group and FS-LASIK group decrease one month after surgery compared to preoperative levels,which increase and even exceeded preoperative levels by 12 months.The recovery of FS-LASIK Xtra group is slower compared to FS-LASIK group,but it has no significant effect on vision.The change in corneal measurement position may have a certain impact on results of CD values.

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The risk factors of corneal endothelial cell injury in phacoemulsification of hardnucleuscataract
Liming Zhao, Yiren Wang, Xuemin Li
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  335-340.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.003
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To investigate the risk factors of corneal endothelial cell injury in phacoemulsification of hard nucleus cataract.


From January 2022 to December 2024,100 patients(100 eyes)with hard nuclear cataract underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in the Department of Ophthalmology of Beijing Fengtai Hospital were collected.There were 53 males(53 eyes)and 47 females(47 eyes)with an average age of(70.0±9.3)years(ranging from 49 to 86 years).The patients whose corneal endothelial cell count decreased more than 20% one month after operation were selected as the observation group,and those whose corneal endothelial cell count decreased less than 20% were selected as the control group.Corneal endothelial cell counts were measured before and 1 month after surgery in all patients.The intraocular lens nucleus hardness,anterior chamber depth,effective phacoemulsification time and perfusion time were examined and recorded.The corneal endothelial cell count of patients before and 1 month after surgery conformed to normal distribution,which was expressed as±s and compared by independent sample t test for between groups.The number of eyes in each category of age(<70 years old,≥70 years old),gender(male,female),diabetes mellitus(yes,no),anterior chamber depth(<2.9 mm,≥2.9 mm),effective phacoemulsification time(<10 s,≥10 s),perfusion time(<180 s,≥180 s)of all patients were summarized and described by the number of eyes and percentage.Chi-square test was used for comparison between groups.Multivariate logistic regression was used to screen the risk factors of corneal endothelial cell count with age,gender,diabetes mellitus,anterior chamber depth,effective phacoemulsification time and perfusion time as independent variables.The Spearman correlation coefficient r was calculated by correlation analysis.


Before surgery,the corneal endothelial cell count in the observation group and the control group were(2541.33±509.35)cells/mm2 and(2577.60±428.72)cells/mm2,respectively,with no significant difference(t=0.38,P>0.05).One month after operation,the corneal endothelial cell count in the observation group and the control group were(1880.40±426.85)cells/mm2 and(2157.78±393.27)cells/mm2,respectively,with significant difference(t=-3.26,P<0.05).The age(<70 years old,≥70 years old),anterior chamber depth(<2.9 mm,≥2.9 mm),effective phacoemulsification time(<10 s,≥10 s)and perfusion time(<180 s,≥180 s)of the observation group and the control group were(21 cases,42 cases)and(20 cases,17 cases),(39 cases,24 cases)and(8 cases,29 cases),(34 cases,29 cases)and(30 cases,7 cases)and(34 cases,29 cases)and(31 cases,6 cases),respectively,accounting for(33.33%,66.67%)and(54.05%,45.95%)and(61.90%,29 cases),respectively.38.10%)and(21.62%,78.38%),(53.97%,46.03%)and(81.08%,18.92%)and(53.97%,46.03%)and(83.78%,16.22%).The difference between the two groups was statistically significant(χ2=4.14,15.19,7.44,9.11;P<0.05).The gender(male,female),diabetes mellitus(yes,no)of the observation group and the control group were(33 cases,30 cases)and(20 cases,17 cases),(27 cases,36 cases)and(13 cases,24 cases),respectively,accounting for(52.38%,47.62%)and(54.05%,45.95%),(42.86%,57.14%)and(35.14%,64.86%).There was no significant difference between the two groups(χ2=0.03,0.58;P>0.05).The effects of age,gender,diabetes mellitus and perfusion time on corneal endothelial cell injury in patients with hard nucleus cataract after phacoemulsification were not statistically significant(χ2=1.46,0.27,0.35,1.21;P>0.05).The depth of the anterior chamber was a protective factor for corneal endothelial cell damage in patients with hard nuclear cataracts after phacoemulsification(OR=0.07,95%CI:0.01 to0.29).The effective phacoemulsification time was a risk factor for corneal endothelial cell injury in patients with hard nuclear cataract after phacoemulsification surgery(OR=1.23,95%CI:1.01 to 1.54),and its impact is statistically significant(χ2=-3.46,2.00;P<0.05).There was no linear correlation between age,anterior chamber depth,effective phacoemulsification time,and corneal endothelial cell reduction at one month after surgery in the observation group(r=0.01,0.15,0.14;P>0.05).There was no linear correlation between age,anterior chamber depth,effective phacoemulsification time,and corneal endothelial cell reduction at one month after surgery in the control group(r=0.27,0.22,0.02;P>0.05).


Age,anterior chamber depth,effective phacoemulsification time and perfusion time are all risk factors for corneal endothelial damage after phacoemulsification surgery.Among them,anterior chamber depth and effective phacoemulsification time are the most important risk factors.If the anterior chamber depth is less than 2.9 mm,patients with hard nuclear cataracts should pay more attention to protecting corneal endothelial cells during surgery and try to shorten the effective phacoemulsification time.

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The effects of accommodative function in patients with anisometropia after femtosecond laser-assisted small incision corneal subscleral lens extraction
Hongjie Liu, Yan Cui, Xia Liu, Zhenzhen Zhang, Lihua Wang, Yanjun Ren
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  341-345.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.004
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The aim of this study is to observe the changes of adjustment function in patients with anisometropia after small incision lenticle extraction(SMILE).


Thirty-two cases(64 eyes)with anisometropia registered at the Ophthalmology Department of Hospital Handan Eye from January 2023 to October 2023 were retrospectively analyzed.Among them,there were 8 males(16 eyes)and 24 females(48 eyes)with an average age of(27.2±5.0)years(ranged from 18 to 33 years).They were received SMILE for both eyes.Their equivalent spherical lens,uncorrected visual acuity,best corrected visual acuity,stereopsis,positive and negative relative accommodation(PRA/NRA) ,accommodation response(BCC),accommodative facility(AF),accommodative amplitude(AMP)were measured before surgery and 3 months after surgery.The data conformed the normal distribution were expressed as±s.Paired sample t test was used before and after surgery.The comparison of stereopsis before and after surgery was conducted using McNemar's paired chi-square test.


Before surgery,the patient's spherical equivalent, binocular refractive difference,uncorrected visual acuity and best corrected visual acuity were(-5.03±2.19)D,(2.61±1.00)D,(0.51±0.75)logMAR and(0.05±0.03)logMAR respectively.Three months after surgery,they were(0.00±0.70)D,(0.18±0.59)D,(0.08±0.18)logMAR and(0.07±0.17)logMAR,respectively.The differences before and after surgery were statistically significant(t=-13.40,-9.46,-16.28,-2.15;P<0.05).Before surgery,25 cases(50 eyes)had stereoscopic vision function(central stereopsis>60"and <800"),accounting for 78%;three months after surgery,30 cases(60 eyes)had postoperative stereoscopic vision function(>60"and<800"),accounting for 93%.There was no significant difference in stereoscopic vision function before and after surgery(P>0.05).Before surgery,the PRA,NRA,BCC,AF,AMP were(-2.27±1.55)D,(1.82±0.55)D,(-0.03±0.59)D,(7.33±5.26)cpm and 11.84±3.29,respectively.Three months after surgery,they were(-1.90±1.06)D,(2.07±0.57)D,(0.05±0.27)D,(7.73±3.65)cpmand 11.37±4.70,respectively.There were no significant differences in PRA,NRA,BCC and AF before and after surgery(t=-0.61,-1.00,-0.31,-0.27;P>0.05);the difference in AMP before and after surgery was statistically significant(t=-2.17,P<0.05).For the right eye,the AF and AMP before surgery were(4.78±4.38)cpm and 8.15±1.36,respectively.Three months after surgery,they were(5.50±4.92)cpm and 10.1±3.63,respectively.There was no significant difference in AF before and after surgery(t=0.68,P>0.05);the difference in AMP before and after surgery was statistically significant(t=2.38,P<0.05).For the left eye,the AF and AMP before surgery were(6.59±5.19)cpm and 10.38±4.80,respectively.Three months after surgery,the AF and AMP were(5.40±4.03)cpm and 9.52±4.59,respectively.There were no significant differences in AF and AMP before and after surgery(t=2.19,0.57;P>0.05).


SMILE surgery has good efficacy and safety in the treatment of myopic anisometropia,and can significantly improve patients'visual function and visual quality.

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Regulation of autophagy by thimerosal in conjunctival epithelial cells and the protective mechanism of sodium salicylate
Jing He, Haitao Zhang, Qiyan Shao, Binge Wu
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  346-350.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.005
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The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different concentrations of thiomersal on the regulation of autophagy in human conjunctival epithelial cells and the protective mechanism of sodium salicylate.


During cell culture,according to the type of added drugs,they were divided into thiomersal experimental group,sodium salicylate group,thiomersal+sodium salicylate group,and control group.The thiomersal experimental group was treated with thiomersal at concentrations of 0.00001%,0.00005%,0.0001%,0.0005% and 0.001% for 30 min,and then the solution was removed.The sodium salicylate group was pretreated with 0.00001%,0.00005%,0.0001%,0.0005% and 0.001% sodium salicylate for 30 minutes.Thiomersal+sodium salicylate group was pretreated with 0.001% thiomersal+0.001% sodium salicylate for 30 min.The control group contained medium only.The cell viability was measured by MTTassay.Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-Ⅰand microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-Ⅱ(LC3-Ⅱ)in autophagy-related pathways was detected by Western blot.The protein expressions of nuclear factor kappa-β(NF-κβ),LC3-Ⅰand LC3-Ⅱin autophagy-related pathways were detected by immunofluorescence.The cell survival rate and protein expression level were expressed as±s,and compared by t test for intra-group comparison,and one-way ANOVA was used for inter-group comparison.


With the control group as the base,The cell survival rates of 0.00001%,0.00005%,0.0001%,0.0005%and 0.001% thiomersal groups and sodium salicylate groups were(97.06±1.71)%,(91.76±1.82)%,(89.46±4.67)%,(85.20±3.88)% and(77.93±2.72)%,(98.80±2.27)%,(97.98±3.17)%,(96.83±1.30)%,(96.08±2.40)%,(95.52±2.59)%,respectively.There were significant differences in the thiomersal group(F=30.66,P<0.05).There was no significant difference in cell survival rate among different concentrations of sodium salicylate(F=1.86,P>0.05).The cell survival rate of 0.001% sodium salicylate+0.001% thiomersal cells was(89.65±1.98)%,which was higher than that of 0.001%thiomersal cells with statistically significant(t=8.51,P<0.01).The protein expression of LC3-Ⅰin 0.00001%,0.00005%,0.0001%,0.0005% and 0.001% thiomersal cells were 0.74±0.11,0.86±0.08,0.97±0.09,1.02±0.07 and 1.14±0.04,respectively.The protein expression of LC3-Ⅱwas 0.56±0.10,0.73±0.09,0.97±0.09,1.05±0.08,1.17±0.08,respectively,and the difference was statistically significant(F=22.33,P<0.05).The expressions of NF-κβ,LC3-Ⅰand LC3-Ⅱin the control group,0.00001% thimerosal group and 0.001% thimerosal group were 108.23±5.88,138.00±3.60,164.46±7.60,90.07±3.48,102.93±2.72,127.43±6.96,respectively.107.70±4.20,128.36±7.07,154.01±6.24,the differences were statistically significant(F=67.51,47.65,45.39;P<0.05).The expressions of NF-κβ,LC3-Ⅰand LC3-Ⅱin the control group and 0.001% sodium salicylate+0.001% thiomersal group were 164.66±9.29,175.66±12.2,195.33±10.07,141.67±8.50,133.00±15.52,169.33±12.66,respectively and the difference was statistically significant(t=3.16,3.74,2.78;P<0.05).


The lower the concentration of thiomersal,the higher the cell survival rate,while 0.001% sodium salicylate can significantly improve the cell survival rate and improve autophagy.

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The retinal microcirculation and morphological characteristic in normal pregnant women
Jian Huo, Jialing Li, Wenyuan Jian, Yan Li, Jiong He, Junguo Duan
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  351-357.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.006
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The aim of this study is to quantify the retinal vascular tortuosity,retinal vascular diameter and retinal morphological characteristics in normal pregnant women,and to explore their relationship with gestational age and gestational week.


A total of 95 normal pregnant women(95 eyes)who visited the Department of Ophthalmology and Obstetrics of Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital from May 2022 to November 2023 were selected as the research subjects.Among them,the age ranged from 22 to 40 years old,with an average age of(29.0±3.43)years;the gestational age ranged from 8 to 40 weeks,with an average gestational age of(24.0±9.64)weeks.Three-dimensional optical coherence tomography was used to collect fundus color photographs centered on the optic disc and measure the retinal thickness of the macular area.The fundus image analysis software was used to quantify the retinal vascular diameter and retinal vascular tortuosity.The differences in retinal directions and partitions in different eyes,different directions,different gestational ages,and different gestational periods were compared.The measured data of retinal curvature,retinal vessel diameter and retinal thickness were in accordance with normal distribution and expressed as±s.The independent sample t test was used for comparison between groups,the paired t test was used for comparison between different eyes of the same pregnancy,and the one-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used for comparison between different positions and subareas.When the difference was statistically significant,further pairwise comparison was performed.


48 women were aged 22 to<30 years old and 47 were aged 30 to 40 years old in normal pregnancy.There were 19 women with gestational age<14 weeks(early pregnancy),31 women with 14 to 27 weeks(mid-term pregnancy),and 45 women with≥28 weeks(late pregnancy).There were no significant differences in the mean retinal arteriovenous tortuosity,mean retinal arteriovenous diameter,and retinal foveal thickness between the left and right eyes(t=1.561,0.487,0.962,0.497,0.978;P>0.05).The diameters of retinal arteries in different directions were(8.764±1.391)pixels,(9.414±1.481)pixels,(7.712±1.021)pixels and(7.422±1.244)pixels,respectively,and the differences were statistically significant(F=41.811,P<0.05).The diameters of retinal veins were(10.374±1.718)pixels,(10.925±1.997)pixels,(8.195±1.095)pixels and(7.891±1.114)pixels,respectively,and the differences were statistically significant(F=82.289,P<0.05).The retinal thickness of the fovea,the temporal,superior,nasal and inferior regions of the central area were(222.69±19.57)μm,(290.91±12.62)um,(305.01±13.51)μm,(301.58±15.44)μm and(301.58±12.77)μm,respectively;the retinal thickness of the temporal,superior,nasal and inferior regions of the paracentral area were(255.42±14.65)μm,(272.09±14.72)μm,(284.95±21.08)μm and(258.75±12.02)μm,respectively,and the differences were statistically significant(F=299.81,P<0.05).The mean retinal arterial curvature in the gestational age groups of 20 to 29 years and 30 to 40 years was(0.602±0.424)and(0.569±0.342)respectively;the mean retinal venous curvature was(0.359±0.283)and(0.341±0.208)respectively;the mean retinal arterial diameter was(8.347±0.767)pixels and(8.309±0.761)pixels respectively;the mean retinal venous diameter was(9.336±0.760)pixels and(9.376±0.879)pixels respectively;the foveal thickness was(221.42±19.57)μm and(224.00±19.69)μm,respectively.There were no statistically significant differences in the average retinal arteriovenous tortuosity,average retinal arteriovenous diameter,and retinal foveal thickness among different gestational age groups(t=0.407,0.361,0.243,-0.236,-0.641;P>0.05).In the early,middle and late pregnancy stages,the curvatures of the superior temporal artery,inferior temporal artery,superior nasal artery and inferior nasal artery were(0.517±0.533),(0.602±0.644),(0.528±0.721),(0.652±0.760),(0.641±0.684),(0.767±0.913),(0.689±0.908),(0.461±0.426),(0.597±1.019),(0.467±0.526),(0.464±0.463)and(0.577±0.731),respectively;the mean retinal artery tortuosity was(0.581±0.426),(0.542±0.306)and(0.617±0.418);at different gestational stages,the curvatures of the superior temporal vein,inferior temporal vein,superior nasal vein and inferior nasal vein were(0.235±0.334),(0.416±0.573),(0.310±0.657),(0.248±0.314),(0.523±0.502),(0.494±0.951),(0.260±0.301),(0.299±0.285),(0.366±0.369),(0.266±0.244),(0.349±0.305)and(0.265±0.238),respectively;the average curvatures of the retinal veins were(0.253±0.168),(0.399±0.209)and(0.359±0.289),respectively.The curvature of the superior temporal vein,inferior temporal vein,superior nasal vein,and inferior nasal vein of the retina showed a trend of increasing in the second trimester compared with the first trimester.The difference in the average curvature of the retinal veins between the first and second trimester groups was statistically significant(t=-2.577,P<0.05).At different stages of pregnancy,the calibers of the superior temporal artery,inferior temporal artery,superior nasal artery,and inferior nasal artery were(8.303±1.022)pixels,(9.100±1.602)pixels,(8.727±1.336)pixels,(9.166±1.502)pixels,(9.769±1.318)pixels,(9.274±1.563)pixels,(7.977±0.858)pixels,(7.733±1.207)pixels,(7.586±0.940)pixels,(7.077±0.812)pixels,(7.735±1.522)pixels,and(7.353±1.154)pixels,respectively;the mean retinal artery diameters were(8.131±0.593)pixels,(8.585±0.849)pixels,and(8.235±0.725)pixels,respectively;the diameters of the superior temporal vein,inferior temporal vein,superior nasal vein and inferior nasal vein of the retina were(10.388±1.675)pixels,(10.834±1.798)pixels,(10.051±1.643)pixels,(10.964±1.982)pixels,(10.787±2.032)pixels,(11.003±2.019)pixels,(8.047±1.342)pixels,(8.295±0.990)pixels,(8.189±1.068)pixels,(7.964±0.865)pixels,(7.544±1.249)pixels,and(8.090±1.077)pixels,respectively;the average diameters of the retinal veins were(9.341±0.933)pixels,(9.397±0.869)pixels and(9.333±0.745)pixels.The diameters of the superior temporal artery,inferior temporal artery,superior nasal artery and inferior nasal artery in the second trimester increased compared with those in the first trimester.The average diameters of the retinal arteries in the first and second trimesters were statistically significant(t=-2.041,P<0.05).At different stages of pregnancy,the foveal thickness of the retina was(222.11±18.62)μm,(223.55±20.43)μm and(222.36±19.77)μm,respectively;the average retinal thickness of the central area of the retina was(299.84±12.96)μm,(300.89±13.70)μm,(298.96±11.25)μm,respectively;the average retinal thickness of the paracentral area of the retina was(266.75±14.18)μm,(267.39±14.56)μm,(268.53±10.48)μm,respectively.There were no significant differences in the foveal thickness,the average retinal thickness in the central area,and the average retinal thickness in the paracentral area among the groups at different gestational stages(t=-0.250,-0.047,0.255,-0.269,0.289,0.673,-0.152,-0.607,-0.399;P>0.05).


The retinal microcirculation and morphological parameters during normal pregnancy are related to the gestational age.The changes in the retinal microcirculation and morphology during pregnancy can reflect retinal function,providing evidence for early retinal diseases.

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Case Repor
One case of sinus rhabdomyosarcoma first diagnosed in ophthalmology
Hui Dong, Huacheng Zheng, Tianqi Zhao, Yunna Luo, Haixia Zhao
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  358-362.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.007
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Advance on pathogenic genes and molecular genetics of congenital nystagmus
Chuyi Zhou, Lejin Wang
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  363-367.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.008
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Congenital nystagmus(CN)is a type of ocular motor disorder characterized by involuntary oscillation of eyes,typically occurred in the first six months of life.It can be related to the sensory disorder result by inherited retinal disease,or be idiopathic.As a common phenotype of many disease,the genetic complexity and diverse inheritance pattern of CN present a great challenge of monogenic diagnosis.Recent development of next-generation sequencing technologies significantly enhanced the identification of pathogenic genes,while the gene therapy has made a great progress.Therefore,it is crucial to summarize the genotype and phenotype association of CN and its related inherited retinal diseases.The identified genes and the underlying molecular mechanisms linked to CN,drawing upon the latest findings from international research were systematically reviewed in the paper,aiming to provide novel insights and a comprehensive reference for improving the diagnosis,classification,and treatment of CN.

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Research progress in the role of typeⅡinnate lymphoid cells and their upstream molecules in the pathogenesis of allergic conjunctivitis
Qi Liu, Xiaofen Zheng
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  368-374.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.009
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Allergic conjunctivitis(AC)is a common allergic disease of the human ocular surface whose pathogenesis is complex and is primarily thought to be an immune response mediated by immunoglobulin E(IgE)or T lymphocytes.Currently,one of the main pathogenic mechanisms of allergic inflammation is thought to be the T helper cell(Th2)-dominated hypersensitivity reaction,but little is known about other upstream channels of allergy.Emerging studies have revealed new cellular and molecular mechanisms by which the epithelium activates typeⅡinnate lymphoid cell(ILC2)through the production of pro-allergic cytokines,eg.interleukin(IL)-33,thymic stromal lymphopoietin(TSLP),etc.that in turn modulate the Th2 response.Furthermore,it was concluded that the type 2 immune response driven by ocular surface innate immunity is dependent on the involvement of IL-33,TSLP,basophils,and ILC2 in a mouse model of conjunctivitis induced by papain-impregnated contact lenses.At present,the mechanism of action of ILC2 and epithelial pro-allergic cytokines(IL-33,TSLP,etc.)in the pathogenesis of AC has not been fully elucidated.Therefore,the current status of research on ILC2 and their upstream molecules in the pathogenesis of allergic conjunctivitis was reviewed in this paper.

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Advances on the role of proteomics in diabetes-related eye diseases
Yutong Han, Ning Din, Xia Wu, Lizhen Gan, Zhengguo Chen, Yunchuan Wu, Qingbo Wei
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  375-379.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.010
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Proteomics is a discipline that focuses on the pathogenesis,early diagnosis,targeted treatment and prognosis of diseases.In recent years,with the development and maturity of proteomics technology,its application in diabetes and its complications is becoming more and more extensive.Diabetic eye diseases include diabetic retinopathy(DR),diabetic macular edema(DME),diabetic dry eye,diabetic cataract and neovascular glaucoma(NVG).The role of proteomics in the pathogenesis,diagnosis and biomarkers of diabetes-related eye diseases were reviewed in this paper.

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Research progress on accommodating intraocular lens
Quanyong Li, Xiuhua Wan
中华眼科医学杂志(电子版). 2024, (06):  380-384.  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.06.011
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The accommodating intraocular lens simulates the accommodative mechanism of human eyes,and realizes the change of far,medium and near vision by adjusting the anterior and posterior position of the optical part of the intraocular lens in the capsule bag to adjust the position of the node,which makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional monofocal intraocular lens that cannot provide patients with good far,middle and near vision at the same time.According to the characteristics of the optical part,the accommodating intraocular lens can be divided into three categories:single optical part,double optical part and adjustable deformation accommodating intraocular lens.

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