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中华眼科医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (06) : 380 -384. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2020.06.011


马铭绅1, 范懿1, 李月月2, 苏帆2, 杨新吉2,()   
  1. 1. 010050 呼和浩特,内蒙古医科大学2019级硕士研究生
    2. 100039 北京,中国人民解放军总医院眼科学部 眼眶病研究所
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-02 出版日期:2020-12-28
  • 通信作者: 杨新吉
  • 基金资助:

The mechanism and treatment of high intraocular pressure and glaucoma caused by thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy

Mingshen Ma1, Yi Fan1, Yueyue Li2, Fan Su2, Xinji Yang2,()   

  1. 1. Master′s degree 2019, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010050, China
    2. Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese People′s Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100039, China
  • Received:2020-06-02 Published:2020-12-28
  • Corresponding author: Xinji Yang

马铭绅, 范懿, 李月月, 苏帆, 杨新吉. 甲状腺相关眼病继发性高眼压和青光眼发病机制与治疗的研究进展[J]. 中华眼科医学杂志(电子版), 2020, 10(06): 380-384.

Mingshen Ma, Yi Fan, Yueyue Li, Fan Su, Xinji Yang. The mechanism and treatment of high intraocular pressure and glaucoma caused by thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy[J]. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2020, 10(06): 380-384.


The occurrence of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), known as Grave′s ophthalmopathy, often accompanied orbital lesions. It is often as the major clinical manifestation that eyelid retraction, eyeball protrusion, double vision, extraocular muscle edema, and fibrosis. Due to various factors such as ocular muscle degeneration, increased orbital pressure, and the use of hormonal drugs, a considerable number of patients with TAO have elevated ocular hypertension (OHT) and glaucoma. Unlike primary glaucoma, secondary OHT and open angle glaucoma caused by TAO can be controlled after removing TAO. The drug therapy, radiation therapy, and surgical procedure were major treatment methods. The mechanism and treatment of high intraocular pressure and glaucoma caused by TAO was reviewed, which to provide data for better clinical diagnosis and treatment of secondary OHT and glaucoma.

图3 患者术前及术后电子计算机断层扫描的冠状位成像 图3A和图3B分别示患者眼外观和眼磁共振成像T1冠状位图像。患者双眼眼睑肿胀,睑裂闭合不全,眼压及眶压均明显升高;图3C和图3D示患者术后6个月复诊时患者眼睑及结膜肿胀消退,电子计算机断层扫描成像示双眼眶骨壁减压术后外观
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