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中华眼科医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03) : 141 -146. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2020.03.003


潘荣海1, 马瑞2, 杨新吉2,(), 马建民3   
  1. 1. 221003 徐州医科大学附属医院眼科
    2. 100039 北京,中国人民解放军总医院第三医学中心眼眶研究所
    3. 100730 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 北京同仁眼科中心 北京市眼科研究所 北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-27 出版日期:2020-06-28
  • 通信作者: 杨新吉
  • 基金资助:

Clinical features of 21 patients with orbital Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Ronghai Pan1, Rui Ma2, Xinji Yang2,(), Jianmin Ma3   

  1. 1. Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou 221003, China
    2. Institutes of Orbital Disease, 3rd Medical Center of the People′s Liberation Army Hospital, Beijing 100039, China
    3. Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Beijing 100730, China
  • Received:2020-04-27 Published:2020-06-28
  • Corresponding author: Xinji Yang

潘荣海, 马瑞, 杨新吉, 马建民. 21例眼眶朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症的临床研究[J]. 中华眼科医学杂志(电子版), 2020, 10(03): 141-146.

Ronghai Pan, Rui Ma, Xinji Yang, Jianmin Ma. Clinical features of 21 patients with orbital Langerhans cell histiocytosis[J]. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2020, 10(03): 141-146.










To explore the clinical features of orbital Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH).


Retrospective cases series. Clinical data of 21 cases (21 eyes) patients with orbital LCH in the Orbital Research Institute of the 3rd Medical Center of the People′s Liberation Army Hospital from January 2013 to June 2015 were selected. Among of them, there were 14 males (14 eyes) and 7 females (7 eyes), aged from 1 to 51 years-old with the average age of (7.4±10.0) years-old. Age, sex, clinical presentation, lesion location, imaging findings, and histopathological results, treatment method and prognosis were recorded. The clinical data were described by using frequency and percentage.


All patients mainly showed lumps at frontal part or cheek, inflammatory infiltration and protopsis. Among of them, 8 cases (8 eyes) accouting for 38.10% (8/21) were found lesions at the right orbit, 13 cases (13 eyes) accouting for 61.90% (13/21) at the left orbit, 6 cases (6 eyes) accouting for 28.57% (6/21) at the upper exterior boundary of orbit, 5 cases (5 eyes) accouting for 23.81% (5/21) at lateral wall, 9 cases (9 eyes) accouting for 42.56% (9/21) at upper wall, and 1 case (1 eye) accouting for 4.76%(1/21) at lower exterior boundary. The osteolytic bone destruction was founded by computed tomography, T1WI middle-intensity signals and T2WI middle-high-intensity mixed signals was founded by magnetic resonance imaging in 17 cases (17 eyes) accouting for 80.95% (17/21) . These signals were unevenly strengthened after the enhancement with irregular strengthened zone of tumor interior. Typical LCH with hemorrhage was found by histopathological examination. 20 cases (20 eyes) were showed tumor cytoplasm and positive cytomembrane after S-100 dyeing. Only one case (one eye) was showed Ki-67 antigen positive rate accouting for 4.76% (1/21). 21 cases (21 eyes) were treated by tumorectomy. The excision tumors had uneven size and shapes without fibroid diolame. After 3 months to 1 year follow-up visits, only one case accouting for 4.76% (1/21) showed recurrence.


Orbital LCH was manifested by orbital lumps or exophthalmos. Imaging examination was an important diagnosis method, and accurate diagnosis was based on immunohistochemical examination. Excision was the first choice in the treatment. Patients with orbital single-system LCH have good prognosis, but follow-up analysis is needed.

图1 患者眼眶电子计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像 图A和B示患者左眶电子计算机断层扫描成像图,可见左侧额骨不规则破坏和缺失,左眶上方有不规则软组织密度影,与颅内沟通;图C~E示患者左眶磁共振成像图,可见颅顶及颅底不规则占位,T1中信号,T2中高信号,内有不规则增强区;图F示患者右眶电子计算机断层扫描成像图,可见外侧壁骨侵蚀,呈虫噬样改变,周围软组织肿胀,边界不清;图G示患者右眶磁共振成像图,可见右眶外侧占位病变,眶外壁局部骨侵蚀缺损,周围软组织肿胀,边界不清
图2 眼眶朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症肿瘤组织外观彩色照像与光学显微镜下病理组织细胞的显微结构图 图A示刮除的肿瘤标本,形态不规则,呈胶冻样,灰红色,无包膜;图B和图C示眼眶朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞(苏木精-伊红染色)。其中,图B中可见片状肿瘤细胞,其周围散在分布嗜酸性粒细胞(细胞小,胞浆红)和多核巨细胞(左下角)(×200);图C中可见肿瘤细胞体积大,呈圆形、椭圆形和多角形,核染色质较少,核呈圆形、卵圆形及肾形,核仁明显,胞浆丰富呈淡红色,左上角见多核巨细胞(×400);图D示眼眶朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞S-100蛋白(免疫组织化学染色),可见肿瘤细胞表达S-100抗体,细胞核和胞浆呈棕黄色(×400);图E示眼眶朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞Ki-67抗原(免疫组织化学染色),可见少数肿瘤细胞表达Ki-67抗体,细胞核呈棕色(细胞核大)(×200)
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