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中华眼科医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (05) : 281 -288. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.05.005


梁博昱1, 萧钰塬2, 张鹏3, 陈爱华2, 李嘉洁3, 方成彦4, 陈雅楠5, 杨极4, 刘海4,()   
  1. 1.650000 云南大学附属医院眼科2023级硕士研究生
    2.675000 楚雄市人民医院眼科
    3.650000 云南大学附属医院眼科2024级硕士研究生
    5.650000 云南大学附属医院眼科2022级硕士研究生
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-20 出版日期:2024-10-28
  • 通信作者: 刘海
  • 基金资助:

Gene diagnosis and clinical study of two strains of orbital type I neurofibroma

Boyu Liang1, Yuyuan Xiao2, Peng Zhang3, Aihua Chen2, Jiajie Li3, Chengyan Fang4, Yanan Chen5, Ji Yang4, Hai Liu4,()   

  1. 1.Master's degree 2023,Yunnan University Affiliated Hospital,Kunming 650000,China
    2.Chuxiong People's Hospital,Chuxiong 675000,China
    3.Master's degree 2024,Yunnan University Affiliated Hospital,Kunming 650000,China
    4.Yunnan University Affiliated Hospital(Second People's Hospital of Yunnan Province,Yunnan Provincial Eye Hospital),Clinical Medical Research Centre for Ocular Diseases,Yunnan Provincial Clinical Medical Centre for Ophthalmic Diseases,Kunming 650000,China
    5.Master's degree 2022,Yunnan University Affiliated Hospital,Kunming 650000,China
  • Received:2024-09-20 Published:2024-10-28
  • Corresponding author: Hai Liu

梁博昱, 萧钰塬, 张鹏, 陈爱华, 李嘉洁, 方成彦, 陈雅楠, 杨极, 刘海. 眼眶Ⅰ型神经纤维瘤两家系的基因诊断及临床研究[J/OL]. 中华眼科医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 14(05): 281-288.

Boyu Liang, Yuyuan Xiao, Peng Zhang, Aihua Chen, Jiajie Li, Chengyan Fang, Yanan Chen, Ji Yang, Hai Liu. Gene diagnosis and clinical study of two strains of orbital type I neurofibroma[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2024, 14(05): 281-288.




收集两个临床诊断为NF1家系的临床资料和遗传学资料,包括对患者及参与研究的亲属询问病史并进行详细的眼科检查。抽取患者及部分家属的外周静脉血提取脱氧核糖核酸(DNA),采用全外显子捕获测序技术(WES),筛选致病基因及突变位点;使用Ugene软件评估其在物种中的保守度,使用Polyphen 2和Mutation Taster软件评估突变的危害性;使用Sanger测序进行家系共分离验证,并结合其临床表型及发病特点给予不同的治疗方案。


家系1中,包含2名患者与3名正常的家族成员;家系2中,包含1名患者及1名正常的家庭成员。经眼科检查,发现家系1先证者及家系2先证者均存在咖啡牛奶斑、虹膜Lisch结节以及眼眶-眶周丛状神经纤维瘤。测序数据结果显示NF1基因为两个家系患者的致病基因,在NF1基因上检出致病突变。家系1先证者(F1-Ш1)及其患病的弟弟(F1-Ш2)在NF1基因上均存在c.7240-7241delAG(p.Ser2414Argfs*12)杂合移码突变。家系2先证者(F2-Ш1)在NF1基因上发现c.2570del(p.Asn857llefs*21)杂合移码突变。Ugene软件结果显示两种突变均在多种物种中高度保守,polyphen 2和Mutation Taster软件结果显示两个突变均具有较强的致病性。结合先证者1的病情并与其家属充分沟通后暂未对患者行特殊治疗仅对此患者进行长期随访。先证者2经手术治疗后外观较前明显改善,半年后肿瘤未复发。




To investigate the clinical phenotypic characteristics,pathogenic genes and mutation sites of patients with neurofibromatosis typeⅠ(NF1)in a family.


The clinical and genetic data of two families with clinical diagnosis of NF1 were collected,including the patient and relatives who participated in the study were asked for medical history and detailed ophthalmic examination.Deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)was extracted from peripheral venous blood of patients and some family members.The pathogenic genes and mutation sites were screened by whole exon capture sequencing(WES).The degree of conservation in species was evaluated by using ugene software,and the harmfulness of mutation was evaluated by using polyphen 2 and mutation taster software.Sanger sequencing was used for family co separation verification,and different treatment schemes were given according to the clinical phenotype andpathogenesis characteristics.


Family 1 included 2 patients and 3 normal family members.Family 2 contains one patient and one normal family member.After ophthalmic examination,the proband of family 1 and family 2 were found to have coffee milk spots,iris Lisch nodules and orbital periorbital plexiform neurofibroma(oppn).Sequencing data showed that the NF1 gene was the pathogenic gene of patients in two families,and pathogenic mutations were detected in the NF1 gene.A heterozygous frameshift mutation of c.7240-7241delAG(p.Ser2414Argfs*12)was found in the NF1 gene of the proband of family 1(f1-Ш 1)and his sick brother(f1-Ш 2).A c.2570del(p.Asn857llefs*21)heterozygous frameshift mutation was found in the NF1 gene of the proband of family 2(F2-Ш 1).The results of Ugene software showed that the two mutations were highly conserved in many species,and the results of polyphen 2 and mutation taster software showed that the two mutations were highly pathogenic.In combination with the condition of proband 1 and full communication with his family members,the patient was not given special treatment for the time being,and only the patient was followed up for a long time.The appearance of proband 2 was significantly improved after surgical treatment,and the tumor did not recur six months later.


NF1 gene mutation is the main cause of type I neurofibromatosis.The disease caused by NF1 gene mutation has typical genetic heterogeneity and clinical heterogeneity.Different mutations will lead to different clinical phenotypes of patients.The diversity of disease phenotypes needs to provide individualized treatment for patients.In this study,heterozygous frameshift mutations in NF1 gene were detected in both families by full exon sequencing;Among them,c.2570del(p.Asn857llefs*21)was reported for the first time and further confirmed the clinical diagnosis at the gene level.At the same time,this research method can also provide reference for prenatal diagnosis,genetic counseling and analysis of the correlation between genotype and phenotype of the two families in the future.

图1 患者家系图 A,为家系1;B,为家系2;箭头所指为先证者
表1 神经纤维瘤病I型诊断标准(I-NF-DC,2021年)
图2 家系1临床检查结果 图A示家系1先证者双眼外观照相;图B示家系1先证者颈部牛奶咖啡斑;图C示先证者弟弟背部牛奶咖啡斑;图D示先证者左眼前段照相见虹膜Lisch结节;图E示先证者磁共振提示左眼上睑及眶周肿物生长
图3 家系2临床检查结果 图A示家系2先证者双眼外观照相;图B示家系2先证者腰部牛奶咖啡斑;图C示家系2先证者左眼外眦处下睑外翻,睑结膜面新生物隆起;图D示家系2先证者左眼前段照相见虹膜Lisch结节;图E示家系2先证者胸部X片提示脊柱侧弯;图F示先证者2磁共振提示左眼眶周弥漫肿物;图G示免疫组织结果支持1型神经纤维瘤诊断
图4 家系1基因检测结果 图A示家系1先证者Sanger测序图,先证者在神经纤维瘤病Ⅰ型基因第48外显子发生c.7240-7241delAG杂合突变;图B示先证者1弟弟携带相同致病突变;图C示多物种氨基酸保守性分析图,第2414位为突变氨基酸丝氨酸(S)且在多物种间保守性较强
图5 家系2基因检测结果 图A示家系2先证者Sanger测序图,先证者2的神经纤维瘤病Ⅰ型基因第21外显子存在c.2570delA杂合突变;图B示多物种氨基酸保守性分析图,第857位为突变氨基酸的天冬氨酸(N)且在多物种间高度保守
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