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中华眼科医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (05) : 262 -268. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-2007.2024.05.002


胡师尧1,2, 陈媛媛2, 李辰3, 严宏2,()   
  1. 1.710049 西安交通大学电信学部计算机科学与技术学院2020级博士研究生
    2.710004 西安市人民医院(西安市第四医院)眼科陕西省眼科医院
    3.710049 西安交通大学电信学部计算机科学与技术学院
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-30 出版日期:2024-10-28
  • 通信作者: 严宏
  • 基金资助:

The application of deep learning in the analysis of posterior capsule opacity after cataract

Shiyao Hu1,2, Yuanyuan Chen2, Chen Li3, Hong Yan,2()   

  1. 1.Doctoral degree 2020,Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China
    2.Shaanxi Eye Hospital,Xi'an People's Hospital(Xi'an Fourth Hospital),affiliated People's Hospital of Northwest University,Xi'an 710004
    3.Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China
  • Received:2024-07-30 Published:2024-10-28
  • Corresponding author: Hong Yan

胡师尧, 陈媛媛, 李辰, 严宏. 深度学习在后发性白内障混浊分析中的应用研究[J/OL]. 中华眼科医学杂志(电子版), 2024, 14(05): 262-268.

Shiyao Hu, Yuanyuan Chen, Chen Li, Hong Yan. The application of deep learning in the analysis of posterior capsule opacity after cataract[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2024, 14(05): 262-268.










The aim of this study is to explore the application of deep learning in the analysis of posterior capsule opacification(PCO)following intraocular lens(IOL)implantation.


Slit-lamp retroillumination images of 100 eyes from 62 patients who underwent cataract extraction combined with IOL implantation at the Shaanxi Eye Hospital between September 2020 and July 2023 were collected.The cohort included 24 males(34 eyes)and 38 females(66 eyes),with an average age of(58.7±9.82)years(ranging from 41 to 78 years).The PCO analysis framework consisted of four main modules:IOL region segmentation,IOL center localization,opacification region segmentation,and extraction of opacification features.Both the IOL region segmentation and opacification region segmentation modules employed the U-Net model,trained on a dataset of 100 slit-lamp retroillumination images of posterior capsules with implanted IOL.The IOL center was localized using the geometric moment algorithm,while opacification feature extraction used a ResNet-based model to predict three visual quality metrics of patients.The performance of the IOL region segmentation model was evaluated against manually labeled test set annotations.Metrics such as Intersection-over-Union(IoU),Dice coefficient,and recall rate were calculated using Python software.The opacification region segmentation results were similarly evaluated with metrics including accuracy,precision,recall,and f1-score.For image regression tasks predicting OQAS(Optical Quality Analysis System)metrics,the mean absolute error(MAE)was computed using Python software.


In the IOL region segmentation task,the test set achieved an IoU of 0.9117,Dice of 0.9527,recall of 0.9524,and f1-score of 0.9527.In the opacification region segmentation task,the test set achieved an average accuracy of 0.9690,precision of 0.9329,recall of 0.9264,and f1-score of 0.9191.In the visual indicator prediction task,the mean error of strehl ratio,modulation transfer function,object scatter index were2.4319,0.0154,3.4032.


The deep learning model for PCOanalysis incorporates four key modules:IOL region segmentation,IOL center localization,opacification region segmentation,and opacification feature extraction.This model enables automated preprocessing,precise segmentation of opacified regions,and the extraction of features related to visual quality metrics from opacified images.

图1 晶状体后囊混浊混浊分析框架 整个框架主要依次可分为人工晶状体区域分割、人工晶状体中心定位、混浊区域分割及混浊表征提取四个模块
图2 测试集人工晶状体分割的结果 图2A~图2D示输入模型的测试集图片,图2E~图2H示白色区域为模型对人工晶状体区域的分割结果
图3 混浊区域分割的结果 图3A~图3D为输入图像,图3E~图3H为人工标注的标签,图3I~图3L为模型输出的分割结果,每一列分别对应一个测试样本。其中紫色区域为混浊,蓝色区域为非混浊,白色区域为反光,灰色区域为不确定
表1 视觉质量分析指标预测实验结果
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